Monday, July 28, 2014

A Little Help with the Flower Talk

As we prepare for Key Man University, I'm reminded that one of the biggest accomplishments made by DeMolays at the program is the memorization of a new piece of ritual. I went digging through my files and found a copy of the memorization aid for the Flower Talk, one of DeMolay's most beautiful ceremonies. If your Chapter doesn't have someone who knows this Ceremony, now is the time to encourage a Brother to learn it - with the help of this memorization aid!

Flower Talk Memorization Aid

Mb, yhjbp ttuy tnoootw mhkf. Nycs “IaaD.”  Tbd wotp oeitc otgaoy bhaa whdt ttioJD, doc ttfoyp wgyd ithtom.  TbaaaDi, t, ahow aym mbjp.

Ibrior, yhbi itscv otgO.  Whyhbdi wtltt. Tinbf owtbycafl ttpotv. TOoD tmbl, bnimi thatrfw, amefm. Iif, t, tyhbcu tsabtA iafmose utvwhbgfp atjatCoY—FL.

Fmpn, tAidtom wlnf. Ymrtp ogiic, popl, bycnrth oymshfy. Ymsitld oiad bnbtrohl. Tmoiwasyh. Tinm seb, scv, sul thdnhihh assaa ftmohml.

WItdyapold, iwnbto
Asa / Waftifog, / Batat-wm / Wagatf.

Iwym wlybywb—wcyflm cthh aitfot tGhih apttvos tgyl. Iwswcfy dthyoi atsldyoc.  Ayhgld, shdtc, t, t-h, haet wsomstkhtd.  Ymhata molamoc apwcg oaeoya. Yarattil wywbeioym.  Ttww dhbyth mbsaygo, bttom-l cnb.

Tbutyoyl wyhrttom, ymmws itwotp:

“Mbfyb, s, / Bbast, / Ctoaty / Ofywst. / Icnm ymas, / Bmgh hkyw. / Ygh / Bmtl wrb. /
Aaml bap, / Wamd buas / Fyyf ttb, / Tyaawsf. / Tytl cgyp / Wdnsima? / Tytl cgys /
Wdnm mpgl? / Aycdnet / Wsnm wps. / Boa tIhd, / Rmil, Os. / Ktpb faf, / Mlimt. /
Fml mnww, / Fml hnwc, / Asyg nws / Ftdn wywb.”
TfwysooA asotm-l—tw, tlotmwhg—atr, tmwsltbyl.
Fitdr ohh / Waihas / Skas. / ‘Thskip / Wfa lsoluhs. / Hhiffasp. / Alacf, eptw /
Tbtw swa, / Tltrotct.

Wweoy ttafftA. Iymhpottos, ywcawf akiasthm.  Mtsoi aqetmoh asya iyetbw ohhaafy.  Iymil, ywcarf.  Wyght, gitym. Thiior oGbgtam—hml. Thiyaas—”M, Ilaglt. Tchhmrmf hmyrmtm. Igtttsyd hmIa tsyhm atlacygm."

Sdyftf, Iknw, pihBopb ososp, asw twtnhm ttowlfy, hs, ibtc oas. Mb, eoywpt arowf ftA.

Dcanmoy ttysestl atbwoyml.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Prepare for the Department Crown

Whose department will be crowned?

This year, at the newly revamped Key Man University, your Department has an opportunity to be the crowning Department above all others. It truly is as simple as finishing your LCC’s, RD, or even showing good sportsmanship. But please, make sure you are on your best behavior because points can be taken away and you do not want to be the reason for your department not winning.

During the week we will be having interesting competitions to see who can gain the most points. Competition can range from a multitude of different activities; from having the most attendance at Jacques’ Heroes, to the Department who take the funniest picture, and much more! The point is to have fun and learn while you do!

Each night, at dinner, we will have the unveiling of which Department gained points. Imagine, being in the Grand Dining Hall of Hogwarts. 10 points to Gryffindor! Except, it is more like, 10 points to Ritual! But, please remember, don't be Slytherin, be the best Brothers you can be.

I promise, points will be giving out for outstanding brotherhood throughout the week!

Bro. Nicholas Capes
Key Man University Youth Director

Monday, July 21, 2014

Maple Speaks to AASR

While we recover from our Annual Convention, we thought we'd share this video of now Past State Master Councilor Matthew Maple speaking to the Council of Deliberation of Pennsylvania for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Great job, Matt!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Meet the KMU Staff: Adjunct Faculty

When you look at the list of Departments for KMU 2014, you'll see at the bottom of the list the "Adjunct Faculty." These faculty members bring specific knowledge to the program in more specialized subjects. They will provide detailed information on topics that aren't able to form a major of their own.

"Dad" Ernie Loiselle is the Executive Officer of Ontario DeMolay. A long time supporter of the Key Man program, he has participated in more than a dozen Key Man Conferences. His knowledge of DeMolay in Canada is a welcome addition to the program, as it brings a more worldly view of the DeMolay program. The courses taught by "Dad" Loiselle will be of an individual nature, tailored to the needs of the DeMolays assigned to him. He will also assist the Departments as requested, helping Key Men reach their full potential.

"Dad" Brent Richards, a Past State Master Councilor of Pennsylvania DeMolay, is a veteran Advisor and current Assistant Director of the State Officer Program in Pennsylvania. He is also a staff member of the PA Masonic Youth Foundation's annual Life Skills Conference, that teaches the importance of respect, relationships, and responsibility. "Dad" Richards works as a Counselor at the State Correctional Institution at Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, so you can be sure he has lots of of "Life Lessons" to impart! The Life Skills courses will concentrate on putting abstract information into practice. What does it mean to respect somebody? Why is personal responsibility so important? Through hands on experiential teaching and workshops, "Dad" Richards will explore these concepts, demonstrating their value in our everyday interactions.

"Dad" Seth Anthony is a lover of all things historic and fraternal. He is a Deputy Member of DeMolay International and a Past Master Councilor of Erie Chapter. He is currently the Director of Convention for PA DeMolay and has been involved with the organization for more than a decade. An involved Freemason, he brings a wealth of knowledge about DeMolay, Freemasonry, and Fraternalism to the conference. "Dad" Anthony is also an avid board and card game player. He works part for a game company and loves to inject his workshops with games to enhance learning.  The courses he plans to teach will give members a historic overview of the DeMolay program and how its ties to Freemasonry continue to influence the organization today. Related topics will include understanding Freemasonry, what it means to be involved in the fraternity, and how the lessons of the past can be applied to the present, to make a better future for DeMolay. He will also offer a high energy course on games and learning, where participants will take an active role and have some fun playing games!

Each attendee at Key Man will have the opportunity to take classes present by the Adjunct Faculty, so figure out what you'd like to learn more about!

What is Expected of Each PA DeMolay Chapter

Each year, at the Annual Advisory Council Meeting, a review of standards and goals for the coming year takes place.  Last fall, every Advisory Council reviewed general policies, and also the following Performance Standards which every Chapter should have adopted.  These are my expectations for Pennsylvania DeMolay Chapters. but the expectation is not about me-- it is about the health and welfare of each Chapter.  Where the members and Advisors are striving to meet these goals, the Chapter is performing at a high level of excellence. They are published here as a reminder for each Chapter to re-focus its efforts and stay on track to be successful in 2014! - "Dad" Tom Labagh, Executive Officer in PA

2014 DeMolay Chapter Performance Standards

Delivering the “Promise of DeMolay” to your DeMolays requires that Advisors insist upon the following DeMolay Chapter Performance Standards:

  • Practice Risk Management and Youth Protection:  The safety of our young men is ALWAYS our first priority. 
  • Provide for Written Communication: It helps to solve most problems and makes better Chapters!  Newsletters, printed calendars, memos, etcetera, are essential   Do not rely on telephone and text messages as your only communications.
  • Teach the NEW (2013) Ritual: To instill discipline and teamwork, provide public speaking experience, build self-confidence, and help members absorb and understand the principles of DeMolay.
  • Promote the Programs of DeMolay! The LCC, RD, PMC-MSA, Obligatory Days, scholarships, and competitions make your Chapter’s experience more valuable to your DeMolays.
  • Attempt to Grow: Conduct organized membership recruitment drives—prospect parties, one-on-one visits, and make an effort to SELL to prospects and parents the VALUE of membership in DeMolay.
  • Insist on Support of the State Charity:  EVERY CHAPTER is expected to contribute to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers.  No excuses!
  • Insist on Attendance at the Key Man Conference:  Every PA Chapter IS EXPECTED to participate! No excuses! 
  • Insist on Attendance at Convention: Your Chapter MUST be represented, at least at the Saturday meeting. No excuses!
  • Involve the State Officers and the E.O. Leadership Team in your Chapter events to give your members a chance to work with some of the most knowledgeable members and advisors in the country.  Put them to work for YOU!
  • Say Thank You to our Masonic Sponsors and Grand Lodge Leadership for all the benefits provided – Patton Campus, Outstanding Chapter Awards, Membership Awards, Call-em-All, Key Man Sponsorship, Insurance Fees – and so much more!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Alphabet Soup

"Dad" Labagh came to me last week looking for an article called "Alphabet Soup" that we used to have published on the website. I went in search of the article and had a hard time finding it. Low and behold, it was published on the website, just not in an easy to find place. So, I thought I'd "republish" it here, making it an easier resource to find. (For future reference, the article has been moved and is now published on the Chapter Forms and Resources Page as .pdf file.)

Like many groups, DeMolay is full of abbreviations, acronymns, and "for shorts." This short hand can get pretty confusing, especially if you're new to it. So, here's a key to some of the "code words" you're likely to run into in PA DeMolay. Now you can be "in the know" ... or should we say "in the soup?"
  • ACR - Advisory Council Registration - refers to either the process or the form.
  • AHK - Advisor's Honor Key
  • ALOH - The Active Legion of Honor
  • AWA - Adult Worker Application, the form that must be filed for every potential adult volunteer in DeMolay.
  • Atown - Short for Allentown Chapter
  • BHK - Blue Honor Key
  • Chev - The Degree of Chevalier
  • DAD - The "DeMolay Advisor Development" training course, not to be confused with "Dad," a form of address for
  • male Advisors.
  • DEO - Deputy Executive Officer
  • DI - DeMolay International
  • DSA - Distinguished Service Award
  • DSMC - Deputy State Master Councilor
  • DSOP - Director of the State Officer Program
  • EO - Executive Officer
  • ES - Executive Secretary
  • Etown - Short for Elizabethtown Chapter, or for the PA DeMolay office, as in "the Etown office."
  • FBC - Short for Friendship-Bray Chapter
  • FLS - First-Line Signer, the first recommender on an application for membership. A "recruiter."
  • FSL - Frank Sherman Land, founder of DeMolay.
  • FMA - Founder's Membership Award
  • GLA - Guild of the Leather Apron ("Advisor of the Year")
  • GMC - Grand Master's Class, a state-wide induction held every 2 years in honor of the Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania.
  • GW - Short for George Washington Chapter
  • HLOH - The Honorary Legion of Honor
  • ICS - International Congress Secretary
  • IMC - International Master Councilor
  • ISC - The International Supreme Council, also just "DeMolay International"
  • KeyCru - The Keystone Crusader, PA DeMolay's official newsletter
  • KMC (KMU) - The PA DeMolay Key Man Conference (Key Man University) 
  • LCC - Leadership Correspondence Course
  • LOH - The Legion of Honor
  • MATOC - The Mid-Atlantic Tournament of Champions ritual competition
  • MCC - The Masonic Conference Center, Patton Campus in Elizabethtown
  • Obs Card - An Obligations Card, given for demonstrating knowledge of the DeMolay Obligations
  • PICS - Past International Congress Secretary
  • The Pike or "Pikers" - Chester Pike Chapter and its members.
  • PIMC - Past International Master Councilor
  • PMC - Past Master Councilor
  • PMC-MSA - The Past Master Councilor's Meritorious Service Award
  • PSMC - Past State Master Councilor
  • PMYF - The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation
  • RD - The Representative DeMolay Award
  • RUARD - A "catchy" way of asking "aRe yoU A Representative DeMolay?"
  • SJC - State Junior Councilor
  • SMC - State Master Councilor
  • SSC - State Senior Councilor
  • SScr - State Scribe
  • ST - State Treasurer
  • ZKey - The Zerubbabel Key
Chapter Officers - These abbreviations are commonly used to designate Chapter Officers. In most cases, you can add an "S" in front to designate the corresponding State Officer.
  • MC - Master Councilor
  • SC - Senior Councilor
  • JC - Junior Councilor
  • SD - Senior Deacon
  • JD - Junior Deacon
  • SS - Senior Steward
  • JS - Junior Steward
  • O - Orator
  • Scr - Scribe
  • Tr - Treasurer
  • Sen - Sentinel
  • Ch - Chaplain
  • Mar - Marshal
  • SB - Standard Bearer
  • Al - Almoner
  • 1P - First Preceptor
  • 2P - Second Preceptor
  • 3P - Third Preceptor
  • 4P - Fourth Preceptor
  • 5P - Fifth Preceptor
  • 6P - Sixth Preceptor
  • 7P - Seventh Preceptor
We hope you find this resource useful!
Frat! ~ "Dad" Seth Anthony

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Meet the KMU Staff: The Education and Personal Development Department

Who are DeMolay? Young men striving to be a better son and leader today and a better father and citizen tomorrow. The DeMolay Leader’s Resource Guide states that DeMolay are young men who:

● See themselves honestly.
● See what they want in life and set goals.
● Are strong enough to follow through on a plan.
● Express themselves sincerely.
● Plan ahead for their activities.

The Education and Personal Development track at Key Man University is designed to give you the tools needed to be an effective model of a DeMolay. You will understand the importance of goal setting, communication skills, healthy living, values, professional and financial planning and how to use this skills in your daily live to control your own destiny.

So, who is going to teach you all of these important skills?

“Dad” Pat Storrs is the Charter Chapter Advisor of Wisconsin’s West Bend Chapter where he is currently Advisory Council Chairman.  He is one of those old guys that holds a “Past Whatever” certificate from nearly every Masonic body that exists.  He is a practicing architect by profession and is currently serving Wisconsin DeMolay as its Executive Officer.

"Dad" Jack Salter is an Advisor for Erie Chapter in Erie, PA. He is a member or Tyrian Commonwealth Lodge No. 362  as well as a member of Zem Zem Shriners. He is currently seeking employment as a music educator and has experience in substitute teaching and leading his church bell choir. "Dad" Salter has achieved many awards and scholarships through the Order of DeMolay and still continues to help out his Chapter with ritual rehearsals and acts as the Awards Advisor.

Chairing the Department is "Dad" Dan Kane is also an Advisor for Erie Chapter in Erie PA, He is currently preparing to become the Worshipful Master of Perry - Keystone Lodge No. 392. His professional career has been solely in area of Education. He is a full time teacher at General McLane High School in Edinboro, PA, and serves as an adjunct lecturer at both Gannon University and Edinboro University. "Dad" Kane has always had a passion for student leadership, having served as Director of Youth Ministries and Student Council Advisor for over 15 years.

This wraps up the overview of all of the tracks at KMU. Next week, we'll talk about the Adjunct Faculty. See you next Thursday!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Five Fun Years of FBC

The PA DeMolay Offices are in overdrive as we continue to gear up for Key Man University and Convention 2014. So, today, we thought we'd share something special. This is a scan of a fifth anniversary publication from Friendship - Bray Chapter, one of the oldest Chapters in PA. This scan details the early history of the Chapter and has some neat call backs to what DeMolays did more than 75 years ago. Check it out! (Click the image to make it larger.)

Make sure you stop back on Thursday for another round of Department information from KMU! Frat! ~ "Dad" Seth Anthony

Friday, July 4, 2014

It's the 4th of July... are you ready to Take the Risk?

On this 4th of July, we remember the founding of our great nation and salute all those who have fought to keep it safe throughout history.

We also want to give you a tease of the founding of an amazing membership campaign for the 2014 - 2015 PA DeMolay year, brought you by Bro. Isaac Holtzer. Check it out!


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Meet the KMU Staff: The Program and Event Planning Department

In a DeMolay Chapter you hold a lot of “fun events and programs” but contrary to popular belief they don’t just appear out of thin air! 

We are willing to spill the beans and let you in on the magic it takes to make these activities really POP, standout, and keep up the intensity in your Chapter!

Through this class you will learn:
  • How to come up with an idea and what it takes to develop the plan.
  • You will learn the difference between an Event and a Program.
  • You will learn what a timeline is, how to develop one, and work with the framework.
  • You will be able to make your Chapter your own and realize when you need your advisors advice to keep things on track.
  • You will learn how to develop an extended Chapter project.
So, who’s going to teach you this? Well, let’s meet your Instructors!

“Dad” Jake Palo is a Technology Education teacher at Olean High School in New York.  He has been involved with DeMolay for over 50% of his life, as he joined Erie Chapter when he was twelve years old. This marks his twelfth year being associated with the Order.  He served as the Master Councilor of Erie Chapter and also as PA DeMolay’s 74th State Master Councilor.  DeMolay has played a tremendous role in his life and it is his goal to give back to the Order.

“Dad” Herald Casana works as a Network Support professional for Telus Communications Inc. in Alberta, Canada.  He is originally from the Philippines and immigrated to Canada in 2007 with his family. He also teaches Filipino Martial Arts in his spare time. He’s been involved in Freemasonry since 2012 and currently serves as one of the Advisors for Edmonton Chapter.

Chairing  the Department is “Dad” Bruce Neubauer who, over the past 40 years, has worked in private industry. Through hard work and dedication, he has worked my way up through the ranks to become the Pricing Manager for a Plumbing Supply company in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.  He has been an Advisor for Westmoreland Chapter since May of 2009 and the Advisory Board Chairman since 2010. He was the Advisory Board Chairman of Irwin Assembly No. 42, Order of the Rainbow Girls, from 1986 to 1988.  Says “Dad” Neubauer – “If there is one thing I have learned through my life experiences it is that you need to set a goal and go after it!”