Thursday, August 25, 2011

What Do You Know About Poverty and Youth?

Sometimes we are teachers and mentors, and sometimes we are students.  When Bro. Thom Stecher and his team of dedicated professional educators come to the Patton Campus to conduct the annual LifeSkills Conference, I become a student for the week.  Bro. Stecher has a unique perspective on working with children, how to motivate and serve their needs while building up their self-esteem and self-worth.

Bro. Thom writes a blog aimed at teachers and others who work with youth that is worth following.  In particular, I want to draw your attention to a piece he wrote on children living in poverty.  I admit that I have very little experience with this, but I also know that our DeMolays are not exempt from this condition, and I think some of us may know of a young man or a young woman who is living in less than ideal conditions.

I recommend this blog post to you, to alert you to the problem and some of the concerns that we cannot ignore if presented with them.  This is a part of our Youth Protection obligation, too.  If you DO come across a member living in a dangerous situation, neglected, or without basics-- food, proper clothing or housing-- we have a moral obligation to try to be of assistance.  I am not suggesting that you need to investigate the home lives of every member-- just be aware of your members and, if warranted, ask some appropriate questions.  We are a brotherhood-- we can and will help.

Tom Labagh
Executive Officer

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