Monday, April 2, 2012

DeMolay Around the Web

If you are looking at this blog, then it's quite probable that you have used our main website located at While we are quite proud of the PA DeMolay website, we recognize that it is not the only DeMolay website out there. Almost every other jurisdiction has a website of their own, reporting on what their members are doing. I try to visit these other sites on a regular basis, not only to find out what is going on with DeMolay around the country, but to get some ideas on what I can do to make our website better.

I think it's important for DeMolays to realize just how vast our program is. Remember, this isn't just a "Pennsylvania" thing. Rather, DeMolay exists and thrives in many other parts of the US (and the world.) So, I've compiled a list of ten of my favorite DeMolay websites. Give them a visit and see what you can learn from your Brothers outside of PA!
I welcome any thoughts or feedback in the comments section!

Frat! ~ "Dad" Seth Anthony

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