Friday, January 25, 2013

Mind Your Smartphone Manners

Over the last few weeks I've been lucky to have our resident graphics guru, Bro. Matt Blaisdell, working beside me in the office. Matt and I have a great working relationship and I admire his talents in design. Often times, we bounce ideas off of each other and constructively critique each other when necessary.

During the holiday break, Matt was working on many different projects, including brochures, posters, and wallet cards. He often drew his inspiration for these designs from different pieces we found on the internet. As such, I'm always on the look out for interesting pieces to share with Matt, and all of you.

Recently, I discovered some great new graphics on the Art of Manliness Blog. These "posters" try to teach good cell phone manners through the use of graphics and design. When I saw them, I thought to myself "Self, these would be great to hang in a Chapter Room!"

If you are trying to curb your own cell phone habits (or if you're an Advisor trying to teach them to young men) these could be some great tools to start with. Check them out at this link:

Frat! ~ "Dad" Seth Anthony

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