Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Centennial Memory #62: Brotherhood Weekends with Knights of Pythagoras

To celebrate the DeMolay Centennial, PA DeMolay will be counting down 100 memories worth celebrating that took place within the DeMolay Chapters and Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania.

In a previous post, I mentioned about PA DeMolay's relationship with the Knights of Pythagoras, a male youth organization sponsored by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Even though a mutual respect agreement was signed in 2005, the brotherhood between our two organizations existed well before then.

PA DeMolay and Knights of Pythagoras were known to have joint weekends called Brotherhood Retreat Weekends. The weekends consisted of workshops and activities that brought the youth together. Some of the workshops were taught by Advisors, others by members of both organizations. In the end, the bond is what mattered most. Most weekends included a large fun activity, such as a dance or some other event that allowed the members to socialize and have a good time.

Until next time - "Dad" Joe Pullin

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