Sunday, February 24, 2019

Centennial Memory #29: Erie Anniversary Banquet with a Special Guest Speaker

To celebrate the DeMolay Centennial, PA DeMolay will be counting down 100 memories worth celebrating that took place within the DeMolay Chapters and Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania.

In the June 1970 issue of the DeMolay Cordon, the magazine highlighted events and activities that several chapters observed during DeMolay week. Each event was based around the seven cardinal virtues, with a section dedicated to each precept. Erie Chapter was mentioned in the section involving Comradeship, because of their successful Anniversary Banquet. Based on the time-frame, this would have been the Chapter's 46th Anniversary.

The guest speaker for the banquet was Gary Collins, former Wide Receiver for the Cleveland Browns. As the article indicates, this event brought a lot of interest for the organization, including from prospective members. This is an event that I wish I had a picture of, so if any member of Erie Chapter has anything regarding this banquet and photos with the guest speaker, please feel free to share it with us.

Until next time - "Dad" Joe Pullin

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