Thursday, December 27, 2018

Centennial Memory #88: Senior DeMolays serving as RWGM

To celebrate the DeMolay Centennial, PA DeMolay will be counting down 100 memories worth celebrating that took place within the DeMolay Chapters and Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania.

The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is a proud supporter of PA DeMolay, and has been for many years. Often times, DeMolay has been credited as a starting point for men to become Masons. Although it is not a guarantee that a DeMolay will one day become a Mason, a good percentage of them do join a lodge.

Pennsylvania DeMolay has had three Senior DeMolays serve in the rank of Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The first, "Dad" John L. McCain, a Senior DeMolay from South Hills Chapter, served the Grand Lodge from 1976 to 1977. The second, "Dad" Samuel C. Williamson, a Senior DeMolay from McKinley Chapter, served the Grand Lodge from 1982 to 1983. The third, and most recent, "Dad" Edward H. Fowler Jr. from North Boroughs Chapter, served the Grand Lodge from 1992 to 1993. Several others have served as Advisors for DeMolay Chapters over the years.

EDIT: It was brought to my attention that I missed a Grand Master, an oversight that I'd like to sincerely apologize for. "Dad" George H. Hohenshildt, who served as Grand Master from 1994-1995, was a Senior DeMolay of Pilgrim Chapter. His photo has been added to the bottom of the page.
"Dad" John L. McCain

"Dad" Samuel C. Williamson

"Dad" Edward H. Fowler Jr.

"Dad" George H. Hohenshildt 

Until next time - "Dad" Joe Pullin

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