In Pennsylvania, we have a traveling gavel that we refer to as "The Judge." Where did it come from? Why do we call it "the Judge?" Here's the story.
"The Judge" was designed and created by William A. Treager, a member of Westmoreland Lodge 518 in Greensburg, and resident of the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. He and the members of The Roosters Woodworking Club created the gavel at the request of Pennsylvania DeMolay.
It was first presented to Brother Justin Killian, State Master Councilor from 2004-2005, whose nickname was "The Judge," at the Installation and Institution of New Castle Builders Chapter in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Justin was a big contributor in forming New Castle Builders Chapter and had done a lot of work with the Chapters in Western Pennsylvania, which is why the gavel was presented from Erie, Lincoln, Westmoreland, Steel City, Lorraine, and Templar Chapters.
Although presented to Justin, "The Judge" became the traveling gavel for Pennsylvania DeMolay since the presentation. Chapters would travel several miles to other Chapters in order to take the gavel home. "The Judge" is still active, so make sure your Chapter knows its whereabouts in order to make a trip to retrieve it.
It was first presented to Brother Justin Killian, State Master Councilor from 2004-2005, whose nickname was "The Judge," at the Installation and Institution of New Castle Builders Chapter in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Justin was a big contributor in forming New Castle Builders Chapter and had done a lot of work with the Chapters in Western Pennsylvania, which is why the gavel was presented from Erie, Lincoln, Westmoreland, Steel City, Lorraine, and Templar Chapters.
Although presented to Justin, "The Judge" became the traveling gavel for Pennsylvania DeMolay since the presentation. Chapters would travel several miles to other Chapters in order to take the gavel home. "The Judge" is still active, so make sure your Chapter knows its whereabouts in order to make a trip to retrieve it.
Until next time - "Dad" Joe Pullin