Hi guys, its Tim Nevil for those of you who might not know me, and I am a member of Elizabethtown Chapter. I was born in 2001 to my dad Martyn Nevil, current deputy director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and my mom Julia Nevil, who is the DME coordinator for the Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania. I have been raised in Middletown, which is a small town that sits between Hershey, Harrisburg, and Elizabethtown. I have attended Middletown Area School district my entire life and will be entering my junior year of High School. I am involved in many organizations around the school including marching band mini-thon and my High School radio station. My future goal in life is to attend college for a degree in Public Health. In 2014, I joined DeMolay as a part of Elizabethtown chapter and served as Master Councilor from June 2016 to January 2017, in which I received my PMC-MSA along with receiving my RD prior to my term. At Keyman 2016, I was selected as the keynote speaker for the week.
What are your goals if elected to serve as an Elected State
My goal as State Treasurer is to represent the members of
the state. My goal for charity is to work alongside the state sweetheart and
create statewide charity challenges and initiatives. I will be an active member
for all brothers statewide by coming to all events and meetings that I can
possibly make of every chapter. We are all in this fight together. It was once
said that "We will remember not the words of our
enemies, but the silence of our friends." I will make sure that as your friend
and brother, I will never be silent in your defense.
Who are your DeMolay influences and how have they inspired
My DeMolay influences would have to be brother Jake Beers,
and brother Tyler Moyer. Each for many different reasons. Brother Beers has
been there ever since I joined DeMolay and has always been willing to support
me if I needed. Brother Moyer helped provide an extra layer of support and on
numerous occasions helped with challenges for charity and membership. Both of
these brothers have been incredible leaders on the state level and inspire me
and push me to be the best leader that I can be.
What is your greatest DeMolay experience or accomplishment?
My greatest DeMolay experience was attending Keyman University and
being selected as the keynote speaker. The keynote speaker was just a minor
accomplishment, especially because it was earned by everyone in my track. As a
group, we faced some adversities that we never would have expected, but we fought
and overcame those adversities. This showed me the true drive that everyone
in my group and DeMolay has. It showed me that in our darkest hours, we will always rise
higher and stronger than ever before.