116 Ways to Recruit New Members
1. Ask someone (everyone)
2. Bring a guest
3. Advertise in newspapers.
4. Advertise on public access TV
5. Sample or demonstration meetings
6. Letters or personal contact with local businesses
7. Contact with Chamber of Commerce
8. Bookmarks inserted in library books
9. Public meetings at malls, outdoors, etc
10. SpeechCraft
11. Booth at malls, fairs, festivals etc.
12. Pamphlets in doctors’ offices, hospitals, cafeterias,
libraries, etc.
13. Host an Open House
14. Contact past members
15. Hold membership drives and contests
16. Warm greeting
17. Guest information packet
18. Guest introductions
19. Encourage, but don’t force, Table Topic participation
20. Ask for comments
21. Clearly marked room
22. Club business cards
23. Distribute extra magazines in waiting rooms, etc
24. Hold high-profile meetings
25. Advertise at local colleges
26. Have a guest speaker
27. Have a special guest day
28. Have a program for non-members
29. Make prospective members feel important
30. Have enjoyable programs
31. Make some meetings social events
32. Have a Club web page
33. Use email
34. Put posters in stores
35. Ask corporations and employers to sponsor or
subsidize membership
36. Have a reward program for those who bring in new
37. Create more fun
38. Have a variety of snacks
39. Invite the media
40. Use word of mouth
41. Network with coworkers, friends, and family
42. Follow up on guests
43. Have educational meetings
44. Have friendly meetings
45. Lead by example
46. Have incentives for those who join
47. Members give talks at other organizations
48. Provide guests with free meals
49. Corporate Clubs provide brochure for new employee
50. Display the trophies
51. Club sponsor a deserving, needy individual
52. Lure passers-by with free food
53. Advertise with a blimp at sports events
54. Have a marching band spell out your club’s name
55. If you’re the boss, make your employees join
56. Ask the District for help
57. Provide child care
58. Hold join meetings with non-DeMolay groups
59. Share your DeMolay experience with other
60. Participate in community events
61. Write letters to community groups
62. Be active in Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis,
63. Publicize Club successes, elections, contests, in local
64. Have a Club newsletter
65. Have a club brochure
66. Hold a public debate
67. Never cancel a meeting
68. Members should be prepared
69. Have a planned agenda
70. Encourage interclub visits
71. Form/join a speakers’ bureau
72. Teach public speaking at vo-tech, community college,
continuing education
73. Hold public workshops
74. Wear your pin
75. Mention DeMolay at meetings of other
organizations during announcements
76. Send newsletter to guests
77. Visitor Day – each member sends out 10 invitations
78. Talk up DeMolay to those who express problems
with public speaking
79. As guest to join
80. Get a three meeting commitment
81. Advertise in church bulletin
82. When asked about your speaking skills, tell them
about DeMolay
83. Tell everyone about the benefits of DeMolay
84. Have informative meetings
85. Make it FUN
86. Bumper stickers
87. Smile
88. Invite guests to your place of business to g et better
acquainted with them
89. Attract a wide age spectrum
90. Give testimonials
91. Elect a dedicated VP Membership
92. Hold smooth meetings
93. Get experienced DeMolay to join as dual members
94. Repeatedly invite prospective members
95. Practice selling DeMolay at Club meetings
96. Make it look easy
97. Promote humor in speeches
98. Make meetings more interactive
99. Send thank you's to guests
100. Have table at trade shows
101. Hold a Speechathon with as many speakers as possible
102. Think like a kid - how would you get someone to play
103. “Put in words” appeal to writers’ clubs
104. DeMolay minute on radio
105. Interaction with story tellers’ organizations
106. “Do it for you” poster contest at schools
107. Bring your boss
108. When someone notices your progress, tell them why
and invite them
109. Hold meetings at senior centers
110. Have new member kits
111. Hand out flyers and brochures
112. Have a host for each guest
113. Hand out invitation cards
114. Members constantly promoting and raving about
115. Meet at a good location
116. Explain the structure of DeMolay
Well look at that! Those are some great ideas! What methods have you tried for membership recruitment lately? Maybe some of these will work for you!
Frat! ~ "Dad" Seth Anthony